The society at large has assumed specific gender roles for men and women. And the moment anyone steps out of those defined gender roles, eyebrows are raised. But as our society is progressing, the prescribed gender roles are also evolving.
For example, it’s no longer just a man’s job to earn the bread and butter and not just a woman’s job to take care of the household.
Konkona Sen Sharma and Ranveer Shorey have been a prime example of these changing stereotypes and they have embraced these changes for the betterment of their child, Haroon. The couple married in 2010 and their son was born in 2011. Even though the couple separated in 2015, they have been successfully co-parenting their son since then.
In a recent interview to Mumbai Mirror, Shorey discussed how they now choose their projects in a way that one of them can be with their son.
“It’s about changing gender roles.”
Ranvir came up with this idea so that he could be a more hands-on father. He believes that it isn’t just about spending a few hours with his son but about giving him a nurturing experience instead.
“So, Haroon has two homes now and half the time he’s at my place and the other half with his mom.”
Ranvir also discussed that he is quite involved in his son’s life and plans his day around his son’s activities. Be it getting him ready for school, cooking for him or helping him with his homework, Ranvir stays involved in Haroon’s life completely.
Since his separation with Konkona, the two have tried to provide a balance to Haroon’s life and that includes Ranvir stepping up to take care of his son.
“With women stepping out and taking on new roles, the time has come for men to step out of their stereotypes too. I’m more patient and my cooking has improved too.”
He acknowledges that since Konkona is busier than him, he came up with the idea of being more involved since these are Haroon’s formative years.
“Since Haroon’s mom is usually busier than I am, we came up with this idea. It’s not so much about spending a few hours bonding with my son as it’s about child rearing.”
Like any separated couple, things are not smooth between the two but he makes it a point to not make that tension a factor in his child’s life. They have mutually agreed on taking turns to take up projects so he’s not left alone. From time to time, they even go for meals together so Haroon can have some time with them together.
“Things are obviously not hunky dory but we have to be mature about our relationship and make sure it’s not hard on our child. As an adult we can deal with it but he’s still in his formative years.”
While some might say that what he’s doing is the duty of a father, we have to acknowledge that for decades, upbringing of a child has somehow always been on the list of duties assigned for women.
The society has been conditioned to the same and if in such an environment, men like Ranvir Shorey start taking responsibility, it’ll be a step in the direction for the greater good.
H/T: Mumbai Mirror