Over a two-decade-long career, actor Ram Kapoor has been no stranger to adulation and love by fans – then whether it was for his characters in popular soap operas like Kasamh Se and Bade Achhe Lagte Hain, or his brief but impactful roles in movies like Udaan, Mere Dad Ki Maruti, and others.
But recently, he came into news for an entirely different reason, all thanks to a photo he posted on his Instagram feed. Because the photo is a fine example of his incredible journey of physical transformation.
Almost two years ago Ram Kapoor had first shared images of his workout on social media, and his fans had showered him with love and support.
Work in progress 💪 pic.twitter.com/XB41NB0TJ2
— Ram Kapoor (@RamKapoor) October 12, 2017
Clearly, he continued on his goals, and as his recent photos prove, has come a long way from when he first started.
Ram Kapoor’s journey is proof that when you set your heart to something, then hard work and dedication will always yield results. And just like the last time, fans were quick to appreciate Ram Kapoor for being such an inspiration, on-screen and off-screen.
Physical fitness is not always about achieving a ‘target weight’ or conforming to a ‘body type’, but rather about achieving a healthy lifestyle. More importantly, like we all know, ‘bada acha lagta hai‘ when your dream goals turn into reality. More power to you, Ram Kapoor!