Priyanka Chopra has come a long way since her desi girl days. She has gone on to become an international icon and much more. Her TV show, Quantico, was an instant success that led her to the Oscars, White House Correspondents’ dinner and her Hollywood debut as the lead negative character in Baywatch. The list of her television appearances including Jimmy Fallon is just endless. Shooting for international magazine covers has just become another day for this actress.


Despite her global success, PC has maintained her stardom in India as well with great performances in movies like Bajirao Mastani & her production house has ventured in the regional film space as well. She was even honoured with the prestigious civilian honour, Padma Shri, earlier this year.


Everything’s just working out perfectly for the lady… 

If you had any doubts about her standing her Hollywood, the actress has just been declared as Hollywood royalty.


In a group that boasts of Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Jodie Foster, PC has been named as the new Hollywood royalty.

She embraces this cover of W magazine like a superstar & fits in this magnificent group of actresses perfectly. She gave an interview to the magazine and revealed some interesting details about her struggling days, her likes and dislikes & what royalty is all about!

Source: W magazine

There have been many who have ventured in the international film market but so far, nobody has even come close to the stardom PC is enjoying at the moment. 
