And, as expected, Priyanka Chopra made us proud with her first Oscar outing in LA. Not only did she slay in a white Zuhair Murad couture, she also made sure she had Hollywood learning her moves and how.
Teaching Hollywood how to pose! @priyankachopra mastering the S pose at the #Oscars2016 #Oscars
— Sabah Kazi (@sabakazi) February 29, 2016
And while at the red carpet, how about exchanging pleasantries & notes with co-presenter, Liev Schreiber?
And she had the E! Man, Ryan Seacrest talking to her!!
.@priyankachopra in conversation with @RyanSeacrest for @eonline at the #Oscars red carpet! #PCatTheOscars
— Team Priyanka Chopra (@TeamPriyanka) February 29, 2016
Descending on the stage with a very dapper Schreiber.
Presenting the award for Best Film Editing to Margaret Sixel for Mad Max: Fury Road
Summing up her Oscar night debut, one must say Priyanka not once looked out of place, or a first-timer at the illustrious Academy Awards. She went, she slayed and she made sure she had an evening to be proud of.
Images courtesy: Twitter
Feature image source: Reuters