The makers of Inside Out, who told us that it was completely okay to not be okay, are back with another animated story. This time, they are ready to take on the theory of afterlife with Soul. Voiced by Jamie Foxx and Tina Fey, the film follows the journey of a music teacher who is finally getting his big break at a jazz club. 

And it explores the answer to that one million dollar question, ‘Are you the person you were born to be?’

However, hours before his performance, he dies, only to meet other confused souls in the afterlife. 

The story follows him as he meets other souls who are waiting to gain consciousness. Directed by Pete Docter, the man behind Monsters Inc., Inside Out and Up!, Soul has us excited for what’s coming our way. 

Watch The Trailer Here:

The film’s release date is yet to unveiled. All images are screenshots from the trailer unless specified otherwise. 

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