People all over the world have been asking Netflix to stream FRIENDS and on New Year’s Eve, Netflix UK & Ireland finally delivered.
In style.
The One with the Show Everyone’s Been Asking Us to Add.
— Netflix UK & Ireland (@NetflixUK) December 30, 2017

Now, so many of us would kill to get a chance to watch the entire series again with a fresh memory – for the very first time.

However, there are many lucky peeps out there, who have that chance and their reactions are purely priceless.
So first things first… my god the hair
— Daniel Faulkner (@TheDanFaulkner) January 5, 2018
Having watched every episode at least 10 times, first reactions are so much fun.
Watching Friends for the first time ever. Like Chandler and Rachel, Hate Ross, Joey creeps me out, Phoebe’s fun in a scary way. And why does everyone mock Monica for trying to keep a clean, organized home?
— Ellen Natalie (@EllenNatalie87) January 7, 2018
Yes, she does.
no offence but Monica Geller deserves Rachel Green level appreciation and attention.
— minnie (@minmakesmusic) January 4, 2018
I’m watching Friends all the way through for the first time and Ross is an absolute ass. WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE HIM?
— Becky 🐾 (@Blupye) January 4, 2018
Watching through Friends for the first time. Ross is a monster. What is Rachel seeing in him
— Bee Wakefield (@Bee_Wakefield) January 5, 2018
Okay, but people need to cut Ross some slack. He gets better as the series progresses. Calm down y’all.
I’m watching friends for the first time and for fucks sake can we just end the Ross/Rachel thing either way? Even when he’s getting married to someone else we gotta do it?
— Etruscan she-wolf (@chingchongcw) January 3, 2018
Same, Alisha, same.
watching #friends properly for the first time…..I just want all the outfits minus the awful shoes
— alisha (@alishajordanXO) January 9, 2018
Watching Friends on Netflix and it’s basically just nipples
— Big Ron Bentham OBE (@UncleRBenson) January 9, 2018
There’s an episode of Friends where a group of 26 year olds are shocked that they drank 5 bottles of wine between 7 people over an entire evening and honestly that’s way more unrealistic than the massive apartment thing.
— Rebecca Manning Reid (@RebeccaCNReid) January 9, 2018
These people have got their priorities right.
Why, when I’m watching Friends, does Netflix ask if I’d like to ‘Skip the intro’? Erm, no I want to sing along and do the clap to the intro like the melt I am??
— connor. (@connxrriding) January 9, 2018
If you don’t drop everything to do the 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 in the friends theme song why even bother watching it ?
— Alli Hutchison (@alli__hutchison) January 10, 2018
Because it’s, oh so relatable!
I’ve been binge watching Friends and am still convinced that there will never be a better sitcom produced in my lifetime
— Nate (@uwontatmethough) January 8, 2018
I can’t stop binge watching friends. I just can’t stop.
— James Vincent (@Mrjamesvincent) January 6, 2018
i have the oddest feeling that everyone in the UK is just binge watching friends
— abs! (@basicallyabi) January 4, 2018
I regret nothing.
I feel like I have spent most of 2018 watching Friends on Netflix.
— Dean Boroczky (@deanboroczky) January 7, 2018
That’s exactly what you do when you’re stressed with life issues.
Applying to jobs while watching Friends on Netlfix
— Adulting (@tbhadulting) January 11, 2018
Are you even a 2018 British Netflix user if you don’t watch at least one episode of Friends a day?
— Alice Judge-Talbot (@alicej_t) January 11, 2018
More fans to the binge watch re-runs club. Yaay!