The Udta Punjab controversy seems to spiralling out of control with every passing day. Now Central Board of Film Certification Chief, Pahlaj Nihalani has accused the producer of the film, Anurag Kashyap, of taking money from the Aam Aadmi Party to defame Punjab. 

And how does he know? Nihalani told Times Now that he has ‘heard’ about this from unnamed sources.

b’Source: PTI’

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When Arnab Goswami of Times Now got in touch with Kashyap, the producer couldn’t help but laugh at the accusations. 

“I don’t think it’s even worth a reaction, what do I say to that man who in his defence all he can do is accuse. He knows his lies and methods have been caught so obviously what will he say? It’s the defence of the weak, the defence of the guilty ” Kashyap said. 

Listen to the complete conversation here:

Meanwhile, the Aam Aadmi Party has also rubbished the allegations. 

“Nihalani ek tareeke se BJP ke tool ki tarah kaam kar rahe hai, ( Nihalni is just another tool of BJP),”an AAP spokesperson said in response to the allegations.