Telugu film, RRR roared high at the 95th Academy Awards as its track, Naatu Naatu won the Best Original Song trophy this year. While desis are cheering out loud for this historic win at the Oscars, the West believes that Indian cinema is just about ‘Bollywood’. 

A still from RRR. Source: BBC

This is exactly what Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel did during his monologue at the awards ceremony. Kimmel called SS Rajamouli’s 2022 directorial venture a ‘Bollywood’ movie.

A video of the moment is going viral on Twitter.

Source: MSN

The clip posted by a Twitter user, @ShivARoyal22, shows Jimmy Kimmel announcing the first award category as a group of dancers can be seen driving him away while performing Naatu Naatu on the stage.

“This year we are not gonna play you off stage instead we have a group of performers from the movie RRR who are going to dance you offstage,” Kimmel can be heard saying in the video. Reportedly, he later called RRR a Bollywood movie.

Watch the video here:

Naturally, desis weren’t impressed with this goof-up and started slamming Kimmel for the same.

Let’s check out their reactions:

The West really needs to know that Indian cinema is beyond ‘Bollywood’. Cheers to RRR! Cheers to the Indian cinema!