Amazon Prime Video’s latest original is a Tamil-language film, Maara starring Shraddha Srinath and Madhavan in lead roles. The film revolves around Shraddha, who plays Paaru – a woman who moves into a new town and finds herself intrigued by Maara (Madhavan), an artist who has left his signature on walls and people alike.
Here are reasons you shouldn’t miss watching this film:
1. It is a gorgeous film to watch. Every single scene looks like it’s out of a fairytale.
The cinematography, by Dinesh Krishnan and Karthik Muthukumar is a delight to watch on-screen. The scenes have warm soothing colours and embrace you with their picturesque aesthetic.
2. It is a must-watch for lovers of art
Since Maara is an artist, you’ll find yourself surrounded by poetry, painting, murals, sculptures and comics that’ll inspire you. Not to mention the beautiful graphic art that forms the introduction of the film, and tells the story of a soldier looking for his soul.
3. The lead couple barely has any scenes together – 5 minutes to be exact
Shraddha Srinath and Madhavan form the lead of this film, and they actually don’t meet till the very end. You’ll watch Shraddha aka Paaru fall in love with Maara and everything he does, believing that they are meant for each other – even though he doesn’t know she exists yet.
4. It soothes your hopelessly romantic heart
This film is a romance through and through, it has its fair share of cliche moments while giving you a fresh take on what selfless love is. Maara’s life is all about spreading love and happiness, and it leaves you with a warm fluttery feeling in your heart.
5. It tells a tale of love that lasted the test of time
Maara’s guardian and father figure has spent his entire life looking for his one true love, who he was separated from before they could even talk. He became a postman to look for her, a love like that inspires you.
6. It feels like a warm hug amidst movies that are quick to force a complicated plot down your throat.
This beautiful film takes its time getting you aquatinted with the characters, the plot and the different storylines that collide. You never once feel overloaded by information and that’s exactly what sets it apart.
The film is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.