Netflix’s latest Hindi original is the cop thriller Delhi Crime, based on the infamous 2012 Nirbhaya gangrape case that shocked India to its core. 

Daily Express

Starring Shefali Shah, Rasika Dugal, and Adil Hussain, the series is a chilling retelling of the events and investigation that transpired after the brutal incident. And here’s what the international media has to say about the web series: 

The Hollywood Reporter:

Whether it’s the interrogation of a cagey suspect or a confrontation with a stern authority figure or the push-and-pull with political and media figures, everything in Delhi Crime Story is familiar-yet-different. Throw in the visceral punch of the horrible crime itself — the desire for resolution is one of outrage, not mystery-driven curiosity — and some complicated and detailed variations on cell-signal tracking, CCTV monitoring and other common procedural beats, and you get an above-average genre exercise.

Read the complete review here


The Guardian

The drama is a blend of fact and fiction. The deputy police commissioner, Vartika Chaturvedi, who oversees the investigation, is based on a real official. Officers really did wade across a river to find a suspect – and persuaded him to cooperate by threatening to report his crimes to his mother.

Read the complete review here


Indie Wire

Detailed, tightly paced, and intense in subject matter and attitude, the dark, shadowy streets of Delhi are captured in vivid, unblinking detail; Mehta efficiently introduces a foreign land and makes it relatable, familiar, and terrifying all at once. But beware a binge — the story’s potency isn’t easily digested.

Read the complete review here


And here’s what Twitterati have to say about the gripping crime thriller: 

The series is available on Netflix.