Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan says she will begin filming for her upcoming film Veere Di Wedding in October. Kareena is expecting her first child and a glowing mommy-to-be said at an event in Mumbai this afternoon,“I have been lucky. I can’t comment for someone else. But I will pick and choose the best roles that are offered to me. I don’t look at Bollywood stereotypes. It’s a myth. I do take rest. I rest at the night and work during the day.We are going to shoot for a couple of days in October. Then I will pick up the film post delivery. I am definitely doing the film. We are working on how and when we can shoot,” Kareena told PTI.
Kareena and Saif surprised everyone by announcing the pregnancy in July. By the time Saif made the announcement, the 35-year old actress had already signed for Veere Di Wedding. “Right now we are figuring out the dates (for ‘Veere Di Wedding’).I will go on with my normal life. I am passionate about acting. I love my job. Since the time I was in my mother’s womb I wanted to be an actor. So I will continue acting till I am 80.” said Kareena.
The chick flick also stars Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhaskar and Shikha Talsania. There are rumours that the film’s story has been changed to suit Bebo’s pregnancy. “As of now the work on the script is still on and it’s too early to say anything about the film and the role,” Kareena said.
Rohit Shetty recently commented on how hesitant he is to ask Bebo for Golmaal 4 considering she may want to take a sabbatical post her pregnancy, when asked about it, Kareena said,“Why should Rohit be scared of me? In fact, I should be scared of him. Those who have a role for me can come up to me. I am proud of this phase. I am happy I will be doing work as I choose to be seen. Whichever film I do, I will do it the way I am.”