TV couples have long given us all relationship goals and I wouldn’t be remiss in saying that the characters on Modern Family are most likely on everyone’s list of absolute top TV duos of all time. But let’s face it, even among the lovable people on that show, Mitch and Cam are the funniest, cutest, and by far the most in-sync couple.

Let me elaborate. Their love for each other is self-evident, needless to say. But what makes them a truly special couple is that they don’t shy away from each other’s erratic quirks and downright annoying faults. The support Mitch and Cam show each other every goofy step of the way is what makes all of us, gay or straight, want to be in love – a love like theirs. And the fact that since Modern Family came into our lives, they became a household name across the world almost instantly, only goes to prove my point!
Here are some of Mitchell and Cameron’s very cutest moments to remind you why we love ’em so much!

Here’s to the eternal, ridiculous, hilarious and magical glory of love – the kind that Mitch and Cam have, and the kind that all of us aspire to.
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