Game of Thrones was one of the most expensive, well-loved (except for those last two seasons), and celebrated fantasy, drama series of all times. And it gifted us some truly fierce characters – like the Night King killer, Arya Stark. 


However, actor Maisie Williams–who played the role of Arya Stark across the eight seasons–recently revealed what went on while preparing for her character, and the effect it had on her. 

Rolling Stone

She talked about how the creators altered her physical appearance to the point that she started feeling a little ashamed of her body. 

Around Season two or three, my body started to mature and I started to become a woman, but Arya was still very much like trying to be disguised as a boy. I had to have really short hair and they’d constantly cover me in dirt and shade my nose so it looked really broad and I looked really manly. They’d also put this strap across my chest to flatten any growth that had started and that just felt horrible for six months of the year, and I felt kind of ashamed for a while. 

However, she is now at a stage where she has embraced the ‘body that she has’ and actually loves to experiment with her looks. 

You can watch the complete interview here. 

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