Veteran actor Dilip Kumar has been admitted to a city hospital after suffering from swelling in his leg. Kumar, 93, was rushed to the Lilavati hospital in suburban Bandra, on Tuesday in the morning hours.
“He had swelling in his right leg and we wanted to get it investigated properly. So we took him to the hospital.
Also, he undergoes routine check up every few months and that is being done as well,” the actor’s wife Saira Banu told PTI.
“He is doing fine…There is nothing to worry. His blood test was done this morning,” she said.
The veteran actor will be turning 94 on December 11 and Saira hopes he is back home by then.
“Doctors are examining him well. I hope and pray that he will be at home on his birthday,” she said.
Earlier, Kumar was admitted to Lilavati hospital for a few days in April this year following respiratory problems.
During his six-decade long career the legendary actor, whose real name is Mohammad Yusuf Khan, has acted in many superhit films like “Madhumati”, “Devdas”, “Mughal-e-Azam”, “Ganga Jamuna”, “Ram Aur Shyam” and “Karma”.
He was last seen on-screen in the film “Qila” in 1998.
Kumar was honoured with the Dadasaheb Phalke award in 1994 and the Padma Vibhushan in 2015.
(Feature image source: PTI)