In recent years, short films have presented engrossing stories on a wide array of subjects, despite the limitation of time. Subhajit Dasgupta’s short film Chimes is one such unusual, engrossing short film. 

Undoubtedly, the first thing that attracts you about the film is its brilliant starcast which includes actors Kumud Mishra, Gopal Dutt, and Ayesha Raza. 

The film has an unusual take on generation gap, or more specifically, on confrontations between parents and children; and it presents the same through the stories of three families who ‘inhabit’ one house at different points of time. 

Sanyals (a couple along with their child) meet a real-estate agent (Gopal Dutt) to see a prospective house. 

However, in the time they take to observe the house, the audience is treated to the story of the previous two owners of the house. In both cases, a family of three lived in the house, and one of the parents passes away during a confrontation with the child. 

During the same time, the audience is also made aware of the fact that Mr. Sanyal and his son have an uneasy relationship. And by drawing these two parallels, the film leaves you guessing what the open-ended ending could entail. 

The film, that won the award for Best Editing and Best Direction at the Kolkata International Shorts film festival, keeps you hooked because of the suspense it builds. Though it’s up to the audience to draw conclusions basis the ending, the entire structure gets a little too complex to grasp. 

The idea of the film may be to let your kids breathe and be themselves, but it doesn’t entirely translate in the execution. Nevertheless, the actors’ brilliant performances have you rooting for the story. 

You can watch the complete film here. 

All images are screenshots from the movie on YouTube, unless specified otherwise. Find stories on movies and more at