On Sushant Singh Rajput’s 35th birth anniversary, actor Kangana Ranaut took to Twitter to extensively talk about Sushant. From discussing his death to commenting on those who allegedly played a part in his demise. 


She made snide remarks about Sushant’s friends, girlfriend and others who have been accused by his family of taking advantage of him:

She had a lot to say about Mahesh Bhatt and his daughters:

She explained the alleged chronology of Sushant’s passing:

The actor has been quite outspoken about nepotism in Bollywood and the way in which outsiders are treated, and the role it is said to have played in Sushant’s death. Recently, netizens came together to trend #SuspendKanganaRanaut as the actor threatened the director of Tandav with violence. Though her account was not suspended despite the trend, it was temporarily restricted.