With the release of his second directorial venture, Shivaay, just days away, Ajay Devgn seems to be in no mood to mince words. He has, in a number of interviews, mentioned how he doesn’t care for the supposed “clash” of his film with Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil

In an interview to Mid Day, Devgn said that though audience gets divided, the better movie always get its rewards. “My film has action and an emotional connect as well, and I am certain that people will like it.”


When asked about his wife, Kajol’s equation with Karan Johar, h had this to say: 

“The animosity is due to personal reasons and not professional. It has nothing to do with our films. There is no war between us. I am above having a war with anyone. I do my work and don’t interfere in anyone’s life. If I wage a war, no one will be able to stand before me.”


Ajay who is also the producer of Shivaay told Mid-Day how he had to stay away from family for almost one and half years for the movie, but her daughter was very proud of him after watching the trailer.

Watch the trailer: