No matter how much you diss Bigg Boss, there is no denying the fact that the show can be really addictive once you start watching it.  

I, for one, am so invested that I start making strategies on behalf of my favourite contestants.  

Now, I have full confidence that if I go to the show, I will emerge as the winner. But how many days will you stay there, if you were to participate? Take this quiz and find out. 

1. What is the first thing you do after waking up?

2. Who is your favourite superhero?

3. Which one of these 'iconic' Bigg Boss phrases would you use during a fight?

4. Which is your favourite Salman Khan dialogue? 

5. Which of these ex-contestants would be your alter ego? 

6. How do you like to spend your weekends?

7. What is the most effective weapon to defeat your enemies?

8. What did you want to be as a child? 

9. Which of these song lyrics best describes your mood right now? 

10. Which movie title will best describe your love life?

11. What does the word ‘nishkaasan’ mean?

12. Which one of these weird food combinations makes you cringe the most?

13. What do you fear the most?

14. Which mobile phone do you use?