It’s always interesting to look at the kind of art and quotes you see out and about. In fact, to be quite honest, some of my favourite food joints have posters and art up that I enjoy greatly. Having said that, there are some posters that leave you confused and conflicted. Like this framed test on the wall of a Lemon Tree Hotel.

Hotel, Test
Credit: Twitter

Apparently, the test can tell if you have a female brain or a male brain(?). The test asks us to read through two lines and count the number of times we see the letter ‘F’. And based on how many ‘Fs’ you spot, you either have a female brain or a male brain. Sounds absurd, right?

Here’s the original post, it was shared by @sunnystr8up on Twitter.
Credit: Twitter

Here’s how the internet reacted to this strange test. Twitter user @ash_chowder even said that he could guess the name of the hotel by the sexist nature of the poster.

Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter

The wild things you get to see in the world. Right?