Sairat is the highest grossing Marathi movie ever and lead actor Rinku Rajguru, who played the role of the main protagonist Archi, received a National Award for her performance in the film too.
However, she is now discovering that fame has its price too. The 15-year-old is being forced to drop out of her school due to security issues, according to a report in the Mumbai Mirror.
Rinku’s performance in the movie was appreciated by one and all but the child actor dropped out of her school in June and has now registered to appear in the SSC exams as an external candidate.
There are many incidents that led to this move, but prime among them was security.
Rinku’s father told Mirror, “Large numbers of people throng her school whenever she goes there. The crowd gets difficult to manage and so we decided to take her out of school, she will appear for her SSC examination as an outsider and has already filled out the requisite form 17 for the same.”
Even after several attempts by parents, who are both teachers, Rinku was forced to opt out.
“Since this is a girl’s school, we tried our best to provide her a secure environment inside the school. It is a gated premise and only students, staff and selected persons are allowed inside with permission. There are thousands of students in the school and they are all equally important to us,” said Jain.