A Grammar Nazi is a person who catches others’ mistakes in their speech and writing. They promptly catch your mistake and then proceed to correct it. Sometimes they are subtle about it but there are other instances when they can be straightforward and harsh.
Do you review people’s statements in your head and try to interpret them using your English skills? Do you find mistakes in compositions like books, magazines and websites? Do you consistently correct people’s grammar in your head or maybe point it out in a rude way?
Here are a few ways in which common populous irritate Grammar Nazis.
1. Past tense after did and didn’t
”I didn’t knew that.”
No guys, you just don’t use PAST TENSE after did or didn’t. It’s I ‘did go’ there, not ‘did went’.
2. Loose vs Lose
“If I lose my temper, you’ll loose your teeth.”
There is a huge difference between loose and lose. Loose means ‘to set free’. Lose means ‘to be deprived of something.’
3. QWERTY Messages
“Y r u nt rplyn?”
Why hast thou abandoned vowels?
4. Curious case of ‘their’, ‘there’ and ‘they’re’
“Meet these guys, their our friends.”
There: It refers to a place or position.
Their: It belongs to someone
They’re: They are
Their, There and They’re are not triplets. They are frigging siblings.
5. Your or You’re
“Your not my friend.” And “Where is you’re cycle?”
Same goes for these two words, they AREN’T interchangeable.
6. Slave to homophones
“I drink TO often. I like the AFFECT there.”
Honey, they only sound the same. There’s a world of difference in their meanings.
7. Capital letters creeping in
“Hey! i Write like this.”
I Am too cool To use the Rule of capital Letters.
8. Wrong Punctuation
“Let’s eat children.”
It is the difference between ‘ Helping your uncle, Jack, off the horse’ and ‘Helping your uncle Jack off the horse’.
9. Know the difference
“I write ALOT like this.”
A and LOT are 2 different words used separately, next to each other to make sense, you nonsense.
10. Is it me or I?
“You and me make a good couple.”
Not any more darling. Because ‘I’ said so.
These are the most common grammatical errors everybody makes. Now that you’ve learnt the difference, maybe you are partially safe from the wrath of the Grammar Nazi!
B careful wit what you right,