Despite only having a couple of episodes released, The Falcon & The Winter Soldier has managed to actively capture MCU’s audience. The show’s a thriller that follows the Captain America trilogy and has action, comedy, grief but most of all some very memorable moments. Here, we’ve compiled some of the best.
2. We got a brief glimpse at Bucky murdering people back in the day.
3. Bucky basically has to go around telling people he’s changed as a part of his pardon.
4. Woman, he ain’t lying. The dude is 106.
6. And we have a new Captain America. Looks like an ass.
7. Bucky and Sam arguing is definitely the highlight of this show.
8. You see, both of them will outlive god trying to have the last word.
9. Bucky flexing about being really old is comedy gold.
10. And Sam found a new way to describe Dr. Strange, I guess.
11. Bucky thinking he could do a Steve but failing miserably!
12. That moment when Bucky reminded Sam that he was actually The White Wolf.
13. We’re introduced to the tragic life of the Black Captain America.
14. The show giving us a peek into the racial profiling and prejudice that Black people have to live with, in their everyday lives.
15. Bucky finally tells Sam why he was so pissed about him giving away Steve’s shield.
Oh, I can’t wait for the next episode. This show is getting really interesting!