Indian fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee has come under the heat once again for the launch of his latest fine jewellery campaign. While previously, trolls targeted him for the “obscene and objectionable” mangalsutra campaign which also featured a same-sex couple, this time the models’ “unhappy” expression is cause of the flak.
This time, people decided to direct their their hate towards the faces of the models and their facial expressions. They criticized the women in the photo and how they were posing with “unhappy, sad” expressions. We live in a world where women are expected to be the bubbly Manic Pixie Dream Girls, and the photo seems to be a subversion of this trope. How unacceptable, right?
Why waste money on something that makes you look like you are going to attend a funeral?! 🙇♀️#Sabyasachi
— Nidhi Sharma 🇮🇳 (@Little_tempest) November 28, 2021
Why can’t he just put the hideous necklaces on plastic stands and spare us the double trauma of looking at these near d€ad models too#Sabyasachi
— Socially Distant🇮🇳 (@Indira19240204) November 27, 2021
#Sabyasachi .. whose death are these mourning?
— radha raju (@radharaju18) November 27, 2021
Why are they so depressed… Like haunted ones… @sabya_mukherjee #Sabyasachi
— Aru Sharma (@AruShar34889615) November 27, 2021
Sabyasachi Jewellery for dying, depressed ladies.
— Sudeep 🇮🇳 (@Sudeep1211) November 27, 2021
Remember the time when people said women superheroes like Captain Marvel should smile often? That’s what they did here.
Smile Often. This is how it changes everything
— Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj (@DeepikaBhardwaj) November 27, 2021
Edit by @shekhariyat #Sabyasachi
The sad part is, the trolling didn’t stop at the expression of the models, as people took body shaming to another level altogether and started commenting on their skins and “health”. People said how they should “get their blood tests done”, how they look “constipated” and have such “lusterless” skin.
Can you guess:
— Devi Prasad Rao 🇮🇳 (@DeviPrasadRao8) November 27, 2021
1. Which one is constipated?
2. Which one has Delhi belly?
3. Which one has piles?
Lucky winner will be forcibly given #Sabyasachi jewellery
All these models need to go on detox diet. Look at those constipated looks n lusterless skin. They all look so unwell.
— shweta (@CandidShweta) November 27, 2021
It’s like ” Pet kaat-kaat ke” Buying the Sabyasachi. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why are these men so sad? #Sabyasachi
— 𝓔𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓑𝓱𝓪𝓴𝓽 (@EmotionalBhakt) November 27, 2021
In a country where women should use whitening creams to look ‘fair and lovely’, should always listen to the unsolicited comments of uncles and aunties who tell them to lose or gain some weight, how could the designer even think about going against such beauty standards? Women should, at any cost, conform to the feminine ideals that have been set by the society.
Public: Thoda hass bhi lete…
— Ashmit (@Ashonell) November 27, 2021
Sabyasachi Models: Introvert hu bro#Sabyasachi #Introvert #IntrovertHoonBhai
In the name of modernity, with is this! Didn’t even know it was a jewellery ad! Ppl look bright n happy with jewellery on, not like Egyptian mummy #Sabyasachi
— Bhagirathi (@BhagirathiCV) November 27, 2021
why their models are always so sad & serious? instead of them,#Sabyasachi could’ve roped in serious killers or psychopaths for their brand promotion who stays the same all the time.people at sabyasachi clearly have the worst promoting skills.
— Kiran (@tweetsbyhk) November 27, 2021
While there were many netizens bent on trolling the brand, some people came forward in support of the campaign.
I think this #jewelery ad is very nice which reflects the simplicity and natural beauty, but if these models had a bindi on their forehead and a little smile on their lips then it would definitely enriched the beauty of jewelleries….. #Sabyasachi
— Dสήgi TђaҜนr★ (@SuchiDT) November 27, 2021
This is not the first time Sabyasachi has been called out for a campaign. Earlier, he was targeted for The Royal Bengal Mangalsutra campaign, which featured models wearing the “intimate fine jewellery”, and also a same-sex couple. People said that the photos were “distasteful” and “obscene”.
Really sabyasachi??
— Kanan Shah (@KananShah_) October 27, 2021
What’s wrong with u these days,
Who sell Mangalsutra like this.
If u have guts sell burkha, tabij in this manners??
Stop Hindu discremation #Sabyasachi
This is shameful Act @sabya_mukherjee
— Yukti Rathi (@AdvYuktiRathi) October 27, 2021
You are selling the Mangal sutra by promoting nudity & obscene content with a hashtag #intimatefinejewellerybysabyasachi
This is intentional hurting of Hindu sentiments
Delete this post ASAP.
Link of insta post :-
If the models had used thick layers of makeup and a bright lipstick, these comments would never have emerged. But wait, aren’t we called out for using too much makeup, that we are attracting attention? So they should have gone unfiltered. But that’s what they did, right?
Can anyone tell us what are women supposed to do then?