Superstar Shah Rukh Khan hosted a dinner party for Apple CEO Tim Cook on Wednesday at his residence in Mumbai. Celebrities from all spheres, including Sania Mirza, the Bachchan family, Aamir Khan, Madhuri Dixit and AR Rahman, were invited to the party and seem to have had a rocking time.
Check out some of the pix we found on the internet.
Aamir Khan looked thrilled to be invited:
Madhuri Dixit-Nene looked gorgeous:
Vidhu Vinod Chopra was spotted arriving with his wife:
And here’s how thrilled all the guests were with their host and at meeting Tim Cook.
The coolest selfie of them all.. @iamsrk taking a pic of me n @tim_cook with the iphone S surreal!!
— Farah Khan (@TheFarahKhan) May 18, 2016
It was a pleasure meeting Tim Cook and the Apple team at @iamsrk ‘s house yesterday. Loved seeing everyone!
— Madhuri Dixit-Nene (@MadhuriDixit) May 19, 2016
Thank you for being such a good host @iamsrk and such a pleasure to meet @tim_cook .. Welcome to India
— Sania Mirza (@MirzaSania) May 18, 2016
No caption needed 😉 @SrBachchan @TheFarahKhan #AishwaryaRai
— Sania Mirza (@MirzaSania) May 18, 2016
With @tim_cook
— A.R.Rahman (@arrahman) May 18, 2016
Here are the hosts taking care of their guests:
SRK found a moment between his busy hosting duties to click a pic with Sr Bachchan and Tim Cook:
Thk u @SrBachchan @juniorbachchan Aishwarya & Jaya aunty for taking time out. Sarbjit will be awesome I am sure.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) May 18, 2016
But what’s a party without a group photo, right?
Thk u all for coming & making @tim_cook & his wonderful team feel the warmth & love of India.Mr.Cook u r a rockstar!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) May 18, 2016