The price of petrol in Delhi stands at Rs 105.41 per litre while that of diesel is at Rs 96.67. In the midst of this, a few brave actors and journalists have taken it upon themselves to talk about this difficult time for the common man of this country.
1. Akshay Kumar
2. Amitabh Bachchan
3. Anupam Kher
4. Ashoke Pandit
5. Vivek Agnihotri
6. Kabir Bedi
7. Smriti Irani
Yet another hike in petrol prices. UPA seems 2 ignore public outcry over price rise. Arrogance of power, unsympathetic 2 d needs of d poor.
— Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) January 15, 2011
8. Shiv Aroor
Now that no body is worried about Petrol Prices. Let’s revisit some old jokes on #petrolpricehike
— Mohammed Zubair (@zoo_bear) May 20, 2018
9. Sudhir Chaudhary
10. Gaurav Sawant
So brave of these celebrities, putting their lives and livelihoods on the line for us.
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