Neerja, a biopic based on a 23-year-old brave flight attendant who sacrificed her life for saving about 300 passengers from hijackers in 1986, has undoubtedly been an outstanding film of the year 2016.
Backed with a strong story line, the Ram Madhvani-directorial film Neerja also made it to the Rs 100-crore club.
Besides its commercial success, the film, starring Sonam Kapoor as Neerja Bhanot, not only received acclaims from the critics but also garnered a number of accolades including the National Award in the special mention category.
Even as the ‘engaging’ film impressed one and all, it seems like the family of Neerja Bhanot is quite unhappy with the Bling Entertainment Solutions Ltd, who co-produced it.
According to a report filed by DNA, the Bhanot family has sent a legal notice to fashion photographer Atul Kasbekar, the chief managing director of Bling Entertainment Solutions Ltd, for allegedly breaching the contract they had entered into even before the making of the film.
As per the agreement with Neerja’s mother, Rama Bhanot, the report suggests that the producers were supposed to share 10% of the net profits of the film.
However, later, they reportedly offered to pay only a small fraction of it. And the failure in keeping their promise led Akhil and Aneesh Bhanot, the brothers of Neerja, to sending the producers a notice.
In defense, the Bling, as per the report, has claimed that their share of profit came down due to getting into another contract with the Fox Star, which co-produced Neerja.
The representatives of both the parties had reportedly met the Union law minister and senior lawyer Kapil Sibal in October last year over the issue. However, they didn’t reach to a conclusion and therefore, the family, as reported, is now contemplating over moving the High Court over the alleged issue.
(Feature Image Source: Twitter)