So the heartwrenching and goosebumps-inducing trailer of the next Avengers movie – Avengers: Endgame, dropped yesterday. While we exhausted all of our tissues trying to soak our tears, people across the internet bravely made memes in a frantic attempt to turn their frowns upside down. 

And here’s the result:

Be careful what you wish for.

The kind of positivity we don’t want to see today.

How do we apply though?

The truth always hurts, Elizabeth.

So much effort and not enough recognition? Sad.

Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, bracing for mum’s flying chappal already.

Drink plenty of water…

…as dehydration can get ugly.

Chota packet, bada dhamakaa. Literally.

Kal se membership cancel.

Loki(ng) great, Loki!

Literally zero faith in life.

Jab tak hai jaan.

“Surprise surprise” – Biswa Kalyan Rath

Does Boro Plus work?

Snap snap snip snip

Finally found my location.

The sad faces were enough.

Should make it to Top Achievers of 2018 list.

Behind the scenes beneath the bushes.

Dropping the next hottest track of 2019.

In Steve we trust.


Just another Saturday binge.

Tbh, #NoShaveNovember has also come to an end.

The memes we didn’t know that we need at this sad hour.