The film is an almost frame-by-frame remake of the 2010 Korean blockbuster The Man from Nowhere. Director Nishikant Kamat faithfully reproduces the story of a neglected seven-year-old girl who unwittingly gets embroiled with dangerous men who deal in drugs and human organs.

Luckily, Nayomi has befriended her silent, never-smiling neighbour, also known as Rocky Handsome. Rocky may not be sociable but he’s essentially a one-man killing machine. 

Who better to play this stoic superman than John Abraham? The actor combines a single grim expression with a granite body. Not for a minute will you think that he couldn’t do the things he was doing. The trouble is that what he’s doing isn’t very interesting. Especially if you’ve seen the original film.

Way too much time and effort is spent in showcasing the leading man – John’s body is a no-carb miracle. It’s telling that in the original film, the hero’s nickname was simply ‘Pawnshop Ghost’. But here, even the nickname Rocky Handsome is designed to flatter.

Watch the video below to find out If Rocky Handsome is worth your time & money on a long weekend.