Yash Raj Films has finally managed to bring Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan together for its next movie. It is reported that these superstars will be sharing the screen space in Thug and the movie will be directed by Dhoom 3 director Vijay Krishna Acharya. 

Earlier reports suggested that Hrithik Roshan was approached for the movie, but eventually he walked away from it. There was uncertainty about Aamir Khan being a part of the movie too, but now Big B has confirmed the news reported DNA.


During an interview, DNA reported him saying,“It’s a great honour and privilege to be working with Aamir and to be working with Yashraj again and also to work with Victor, I just look forward to that moment.”

Big B shared his excitement by saying,“I don’t know if i can talk much about the film at this moment. I haven’t been given permission. All I can say is that it is very exciting subject.”

Currently Amitabh Bachchan is busy promoting his upcoming movie Pink, while Aamir is wrapping up the shoot for Dangal.