The internet just discovered Bollywood actor and Miss World Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s another doppleganger. Previously, a few other women like Manasi Naik, Ammuzz Amrutha and Mahlagha Jaberi, were noticed for their resemblance to Aishwarya.
This time, it’s Aamna Imran, a beauty blogger and medical professional working in the US.
She recreates Aishwarya’s looks on her Instagram.
Revealing her Indian connection, Aamna said:
My father is Pakistani, whereas his parents are Indian. My mother and her parents are from Afghanistan. I speak English and Urdu, basic Persian and comprehend Punjabi.
Her follower count on Instagram increased from 2,000 to over 20,000 within a few days.
You can see more of her pics here.
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