Remember how difficult it always was to paint on MS Paint, kind of defeating the purpose of its existence?
The maximum that most of us could manage was to perfect the pastoral scenery, like the one here.

However, Pat Hines worked so hard on his MS Paint skills that he actually managed to illustrate his entire e-book on it! He wrote saying:
“I suck at Photoshop and other programs, and have worked exclusively in Microsoft Paint for over ten years… I honed my craft working long overnights at a hospital reception desk…,”
Anyone who looks at Hines’ work will be quite surprised when they discover that he made ALL of it on MS Paint. The detailing of each illustration is perfect and only he knows how he manages to show such perfect hues using an interface which is so difficult!
His story goes like this:
“I suck at Photoshop and other programs, and have worked exclusively in Microsoft Paint for over ten years…”

“…I honed my craft working long overnights at a hospital reception desk…”

“…Then decided to write and self-publish an e-book about a summer camp set in the 1980’s…”

“…a summer camp surrounded by ghosts and monsters…”

“…and filled with goofy campers and counselors, where the teenagers are always trying to get drunk or laid…”

“…and getting into trouble…”

“…and breaking into rival camps to carry out elaborate revenge schemes…”

“…and not always succeeding.”

Doesn’t that make for an interesting story?

Surprised how all these illustrations came out of MS Paint? So are we.
You can check more of his work here, and maybe learn a couple of things about how to paint on MS Paint!