At every step of our lives, we meet a lot of people. Some stay, while some don’t. The ones who do are called friends. As you spend time with them, your bond grows stronger and deeper. These friends know all your little secrets. They know what annoys you and what gets you giggling like crazy. They understand your needs better than anyone else.
There are childhood buddies, school buddies, college buddies, and then there are work buddies. No, we are not talking about the people you befriend at your workplace. This article pays tribute to the things that get your work done faster aka softwares. Every profession has a software which makes life so much more easy. Without these ‘work buddies,’ you probably wouldn’t have got that promotion you’re so happy about.
Here are some illustrations by Pixel Fox Studios which are a tribute to the software we’ve befriended at work:
Happy Friendship Day, people!
All illustrations by Pixel Fox Studios.