The last couple of days have given all of us plenty of time which means all you must have organised your cupboards at least thrice already. And we all know what happens when we organise our cupboards *screams* Fashion parade! But once we hit our collection of old photos, the stroll down the memory lane begins. In fact, this is the best time to think about the good old memories from school. So, here are some pictures that will take you right back to the one place we all miss the most.
Remember when..
1. You got to ditch the school uniform

2. The class was too boring

3. There was only one way to test true love

4. You were the coolest prankster

5. Writing with a pen was your biggest dream

6. Mom sent maggi in the lunch-box

7. You were a fashionista too

8. Punishment with bestie was all you wanted

9. This was the coolest gadget

10. Smoking was actually cool

11. Your crush filled your slam book

12. Your white shirt became a message board

13. You could just not remember the steps

14. You goals weren’t that unachievable

15. Science was the real magician

What a fun ride, eh?
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