Let’s accept it, every Harry Potter fan probably fantasised about getting past the huge doors of the Great Halls of Hogwarts at some point of time or other while reading the books. Such is the charm of its heavenly architecture! Well, here’s another such example of visually incredible interiors that will make you go wow.

Artist Miguel Chevalier recently projected a virtual reality sky onto the ceiling of Saint-Eustache Church in Paris. It looked spectacular, maybe even better than the mesmerising ceiling in the Great Hall of the Hogwarts Castle.

Voûtes Célestes (celestial vaults), as Chevalier likes to call it, is a morphing sky chart glowing almost 35 different coloured networks.

People were specially invited to witness this stunning spectacle which is actually a part of an annual event in Paris called Nuit Blanche. This event encourages exceptional artists to showcase their work in designated areas around Paris on the first Saturday of October every year.

Looks like a universe of colourful digital constellations to me!

Magical, isn’t it?

Amaze yourselves with the video below:

All images sourced from Miguel Chevalier.