This world is a mystery. There are a lot of things that we probably never knew even existed. Every day, we come across a lot of things that make us wonder how, why or when this happened.
Keeping that in mind, here are a few images that will surely blow your mind and hopefully answer some of those questions.
1.A house being moved to another block on the street through this technique.
2. An aerial view of New Delhi.
3. Not your CPU’s motherboard but a snap of New York’s nightlife.
4. A chimpanzee all shaved revealing how similar they and humans are.
5. A special bridge made for crabs in Australia to cross the road.
6. Not a weird animal but a cashew nut’s flower.
7. A one litre bottle looks like this before it is ready.
8. The bookshelf of IKEA Kallax looks something like this from the inside.
9 This is how footpaths are made in many countries.
10 This is how large towers of electricity are installed
11. Oops! Not a secret anymore.
12. A beautiful view when the sea meets the desert at this place in Namibia.
13. Chinese soldiers use this trick to help stand at attention.
14. That small black dot on the Sun’s left is Mercury.
15. The border between Belgium and the Netherlands.
16. This is how bridges are made inside water.
17. The place where the Great Wall of China ends.
18. This is how actors pretend to drive in movies.
19. The Pyramids of Giza are actually very close to the city.
20. This is the place where the Amazon River and the Rio Negro river meet.
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