Picture this, you are being interviewed for a job position. The interview goes like every interview ever, and you come to the payscale part – the most interesting bit because it is not mentioned on the job posting. The interviewer tells you the pay and you’re aghast. The pay is low! And here’s the thing – you have your own set of responsibilities and bills to pay. So you tell your interviewer that you cannot work for that low a salary. End of discussion.
Maysun Valles posted a video on TikTok of how she interviewed for the position of receptionist where the job posting did not mention the pay. In her now-viral video which has been viewed more than 2 million times, she says “I get to the end of the interview, and he tells me the pay. It’s low. And so he asks me how I’m feeling, and I’m like, ‘Frankly, the pay is low, and I can’t work for that. I gotta be honest.’ And I brought up that the pay wasn’t listed on the job listing.”
While this incident took place in the United States, this phenomenon is not new. There have been numerous instances where people have taken to the social media to share how companies offer to pay less while offering free lunches, and “exposure” as employee perks.
The most effective employee perks are not company swag, catered lunches or free coffee. It’s schedule flexibility and healthy work/life boundaries.
— Career Focus Network (@CareerFocusNet1) January 21, 2022
You every wonder how companies justify pitiful yearly raise advances? Employee discounts,shitty insurance , useless little bonus perks in an app they’ll never use for a gym in another town. All of it to justify a yearly dime raise as reasonable
— Saltinx (@BraveArcanine) February 12, 2020
Getting paid in exposure instead of money is the equivalent of saying, “I can pay you in Trident layers!” 😅 https://t.co/I5yskNaSE4
— Ervin Dubo (@ErvDawg98) May 16, 2022
For the last time, artists do not want to be paid in exposure. Just pay them? https://t.co/EphuwspTPD
— Emma 🤍 (@EmmaCassie7) May 11, 2022
I'm not a starving artist. I know how much I'm worth. Exposure wont put food on the table or pay my bills. I've promises… like buy my family a home. Exposure won't do me an justice.
— Neo Paulus 𓃵 (@Neo_R_Paulus) November 24, 2017
— moresoupplease.eth (@moresoupplease) December 29, 2019
Call it millennial work culture – but the current generation is not willing to work for low pay, work at odd hours, and work without employee benefits, and rightly so. After all, exposure and free lunch will not pay my bills, at least in this economy.