Sherlock Holmes has millions of fans worldwide. What's common among all of them? An eye for detail just like the detective himself. From books to movies and short plays, Sherlock Holmes stories have been adapted so many times that you cannot just forget the basic details if you are a fan.
1. What street do Holmes and Watson live on?
2. What is the name of Sherlock Holmes' landlord?
3. How many Sherlock Holmes stories did Arthur Conan Doyle write if you include both novels and short stories?
4. Which of the following is one of the four full-length novels starring Holmes?
5. What is the name of Sherlock Holmes' older brother?
6. Who are the Baker Street Irregulars?
7. Did Arthur Conan Doyle really pen the phrase 'Elementary, My Dear Watson' in any of his stories?
8. What word is written at the murder scene in "A Study in Scarlet?"
9. Where does Holmes store his tobacco?