If you’re a bookworm, you’ll certainly have tons of books in your collection, right? If yes, turns out, there’s also an unexpected fortune waiting for you!
Matthew Haley, the director and head of books and manuscripts at auction house, Bonhams, has shared his list of the twenty most valuable books in UK that could be lying in your own home!
From Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, which by the way has an estimated value of £50,000, to The Hobbit (£40,000), the list includes all our favourite ones!
The only condition? The books have to be in an excellent condition and even the slightest of damage can lower its price.
Here is a list of the 20 books that can get you a whole lot of money:
1. The Hobbit (1937), J.R.R. Tolkien
Price: £40,000

2. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997), J.K. Rowling
Price: £50,000

3. The Cat in the Hat (1957) Dr. Seuss
Price: £1,000

4. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902), Arthur Conan Doyle
Price: £500+

Check Out – Books To For Beginner
5. The Bible (1600 – 1630)
Price: £300

6. The Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book (1894-1895) Rudyard Kipling:
Price: £200-£4,000

7. A History of British Birds, (various editions), F.O. Morris
Price: £150

8. The Ladies’ Flower-Garden (1840’s), Jane W. Loudon
Price: £500-800

9. High Street (1938), Eric Ravilious and J.M. Richards
Price: £1,000

10. Verve, 1950s art magazine
Price: £1,500

11. Eleven Poems (1965), Seamus Heaney
Price: £3,500

12. The four Winnie-the-Pooh books (1924-1928), A.A. Milne
Price: Between £4,000 and 10,000

13. A Christmas Carol (1843), Charles Dickens
Price: £15,000

14. Television: Seeing by Wire or Wireless (1926), Alfred Dinsdale
Price: £1,000

15. Illustrated edition of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906), Arthur Rackham
Price: £2,500

16. Foundation trilogy (1951-1953), Isaac Asimov
Price: £3,000+

17. The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1901), Beatrix Potter
Price: £35,000

18. Wisden Cricketers’ Almanack (1916)
Price: £600-£800

19. A Clockwork Orange (1962), Anthony Burgess
Price: £900

20. The Mysterious Affair at Styles (1921), Agatha Christie
Price: £2,000

How many of these have you got?