To say that Black Mirror has captured all our imaginations in a vice-like grip of foreboding would be an understatement of massive proportions. The anthology series has had us looking forward to the future much like we did just before our boards.
With bleak-tinted glasses.
Of course that hasn’t stopped us from gorging as much of it as we can and season 4 wasn’t any different. But there were probably a few details you missed out while curling up in a razai and desperately convincing yourself that the future is going to be all okay.
1. Kirsten Dunst makes an appearance in the first episode, USS Callister.
It’s a blink and you’ve missed it cameo. Kirsten Dunst is also the real life partner of Jesse Plemons, who plays CTO, Robert Daly.

2. And that’s not the only familiar name in the episode. Breaking Bad‘s Aaron Paul also makes an appearance, although it’s just his voice.
Remember Gamer691 AKA King of Space? Yep, that was none other than Aaron Paul, although some of you may have recognized him. All that was missing was a ‘Bitch!’.

3. The receptionist, Elena, looks like she’s using the same dating app that later appears in Hang the DJ.

4. Two planets are also mentioned in the episode, Skilane IV and Rannoch, a reference to the two characters in White Bear, the second episode in season 2.

5. Nanette orders pizza from a company called Fences Pizza, the same pizza company from Crocodile.
But since it was a human delivering the pizza, we’re guessing this is set before the third episode.

6. Just before he logs into the game, Robert Daly drinks Raiman’s milkshake. If you remember, Raiman is a character from season 3’s Men Against Fire.

7. In Arkangel, we catch a glimpse of a familiar character in Sarah’s pram. Remember Waldo?
Apologies, that’s President Waldo.

8. Later, Sarah is watching some violent footage when the device is being installed. Did you recognise it?
It’s a clip from season 3’s Men Against Fire.

9. In a later scene in the episode, we see a Tusk poster in an older Sarah’s room.
That’s a reference to the rapper, Tusk, from Hated in the Nation.

10. But that’s not the only poster in her room. If you look carefully, you can just about make out the name, Harlech Shadow.
Yep, that’s one of the games from season 3’s Playtest.

11. They play the song, Anyone Who Knows What Love Is, multiple times throughout the episode, Crocodile.
The song seems like quite a favourite of the Netflix’s writers, you hear it in 15 Million Merits, White Christmas and Men Against Fire.

12. One of the porn movies Mia flicks through in Crocodile, is The Best Of Wraith Babes.
Wraith Babes is the porn channel Abi ends up working for in 15 Million Merits.

13. The episode has one more reference to 15 Million Merits, in the scene when Shazia meets the hotel clerk.
The clerk talks about a judge from the show ‘Hot Shots’ who was ‘caught with a rent boy’.

14. And if you were looking carefully, you would’ve spotted this clever little easter egg left by the writers, when Rob shows Mia a newspaper clipping.
First spotted by Redditor AFellowOfLimitedJest, the article reads, “Of course the real question is why anyone would pause what they’re watching just to read a sentence in a printed-out newspaper article,’ says a voice in your head — before advising you to go and share this finding on Reddit.”

15. In Metalhead, if you’re quick enough, you’ll spot a postcard from San Junipero, a clear reference to the episode from season 3. Or maybe, just pause it and you’ll see it too.

16. But before that, Metalhead seemingly has references to multiple episodes when Clarke is trying to hack into the van outside the factory.
While it refers to many episodes including The National Anthem, 15 Million Merits and The Entire History of You, it also has one cheeky line, Redditor BRB_UKN:

17. And of course, the season finale has a whole host of references. Like this.
That’s a mugshot of Victoria Skilane, the woman who was involved in a child’s murder in White Bear.

18. Or the DNA scanning machine from USS Callister.

19. There’s also the artificial bee from Hated in the Nation.

20. And more recently, there was the tablet from Arkangel.

21. The bathtub from Crocodile.

22. The VR headset from Playtest.

23. The mask and costume from the Justice Park in White Bear.

24. If you look carefully, you can also spot the eggs fromWhite Christmas.

25. During one of the flashbacks, the two mice are named Kenny and Hector, a reference to the two characters from season 3’s Shut Up and Dance.

26. In another one, you can spot Jack reading a magazine called 15 Million Merits, a reference to season 1’s second episode.

27. And finally, the name of the company, TCKR.
It’s the company that made San Junipero and also the company that created the technology to store consciousness. Basically, it’s all tied together. I think.

So, how many did you spot? And is there anything we missed?