From cosmetic procedures to skin treatments, people keep experimenting when it comes to achieve a glowing skin. Some of them avoid them all and prefer natural home-based products. Coz’ who wants bad skin, right? Be it turmeric, honey, coffee, or papaya extract, everything feels good on the layer of our skin.
Now imagine you visit a salon and you learn that there is a Nightingale poop facial available there.
Would you give it a try? You will be like: Eeeuuuww! Bird excretion over face? Are you crazy?
Well, celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Tom Cruise, and Harry Styles have allegedly tried it. You might be having second thoughts about it, right? People are paying £180 (approximately ₹18,000) for a 90-minute session at a salon offering its service in the United Kingdom, Daily Mail reported.
Also known as ‘Geisha facial’, it is believed to have anti-aging properties and treats acne scars. According to a UK therapist, the bird poop facial was first discovered in Japan in the 17th Century. The report further stated that geisha girls and kabuki (Japanese dance-drama performers) would use it to repair the skin damage as they were prone to heavy lead-based make-up products.
How do salons collect this excretion, you wonder?
The report suggests that the bird droppings are taken from a particular type of nightingale, which is native to Kyushu, an island in Japan. It further claims that only a very few places offer this facial, and when they do, its service is quite expensive.
No matter how gross this poop facial may feel like, it is organic and vegan ‘coz these nightingales are fed berries and seeds. Their droppings are treated with ultra-violet rays in order to sanitise and dehydrate them. Then the collection is churned into a fine powder of soft yellow colour and sent to salons.
So, are you going to apply this bird poop facial on your face? Anyway, BRB, I have to throw up. 🤢