It has barely been 3 months since Ankit Saxena, a 23-year-old photographer from Delhi, was stabbed to death by his girlfriend’s family who belonged to a different religion. All this while his parents watched in horror, helpless and unable to save their son.
Three months later, still coping with the loss of their only son, Ankit’s parents are now planning to open a trust to help interfaith couples or those who wish to marry outside of their community, according to a report published in The Hindu.
In the days following Ankit’s murder, a lot of hate was being spread on social media; but, his family had requested everyone to maintain peace and harmony.
Now to keep their only son’s memories alive, Ankit’s father, Yashpal Saxena, wants to start a trust in his late son’s name to help other interfaith couples who might be facing opposition from their families, too. He told The Hindu:
We plan to start Ankit Saxena Trust. The trust will essentially work towards ‘Aman’ (peace). It will also help those who want to marry out of their religion or caste.
Ankit’s father also wants to revive Ankit’s YouTube channel ‘Awaara Boy’. Though he doesn’t know how to do it, he’s planning to involve Ankit’s friends in helping him.
The grieving parents’ only demand is that the people who killed their son should be given a death sentence.