Despite cases of cruelty and accidents involving elephants rising in number in the recent years, all it needs is one positive to counter all the negative that we witness everyday. 

Telegraph India

Something of that sort happened in Odisha, when an elephant slipped and fell into a well. 

With its entire body stuck in muddy puddles, it looked impossible for the animal to come out or save itself. 

Just when the elephant’s chances of survival looked slim, people gathered around the open well with the will to help the poor animal. 

A huge crowd of officials and villagers successfully pulled the elephant’s hind legs out of the mud. 

Daily Hunt

The animal, which was part of a herd of 18 elephants, fell in an open well at Dumerta village, in the Sundargarh district of Odisha. 

Officials earlier thought of using a JCB machine to pull out the elephant but couldn’t do so because of the mud. 

Sputnik News

A forest official explained the situation and said: 

We tried to get two JCBs to the spot for digging a path but the heavy machines could not reach near the well because of slushy condition there … The fire service personnel used their long ropes and managed to pull the jumbo out. 

With a huge collective effort the officials, along with the villagers, managed to pull the elephant out of the water.