Do you remember the heartbreaking video of a dog being abandoned by his owner just days before Christmas?
The poor pooch was seen chasing his owner’s car when he drove away. This was all caught on the street’s CCTV and the video went viral all over the internet, gathering over a million views.

The dog was rescued soon enough by a passerby and was given the name Snoop. According to reports, thousands of people including BBC presenter Sue Perkins and political journalist Andrew Neil have shown interest in adopting Snoop.
But the most noticeable person who wants to adopt Snoop is his namesake, Snoop Dogg.

After performing in New York welcoming the new year, Snoop Dogg told the Daily Star that,
“There is always room for another dog in Casa de Snoop. If he really needed a home then he has one with us.”

While there is an investigation going on in order to find out who abandoned him in such a heartless manner, RSPCA inspector Natalie Perehovsky said that Snoop is not getting rehomed yet. But as soon as he does, they will let the people know.

Looks like Snoop Dogg will have to wait till he gets to have Snoop The Dog snoop around his house.
What a great start to the new year!