In 2014, the Discovery TV series Shark Week declared the great white shark, also known as Deep Blue, to be the largest white shark to ever be filmed.

A group of divers recently swam with the largest-known great white shark in the water off of Hawaii. And the pictures are simply magnificent.

It has had its own Twitter account ever since.

However, Tuesday was pretty unusual since a number of sharks were spotted in the warm waters of Hawaii. White sharks normally prefer swimming in colder waters.

One Ocean Diving

Hawaii DLNR reported that they were tasked with moving the carcass of a dead sperm whale away from the shore.

This video shows the whale carcass being towed away from the shoreline and being followed by sharks.

The sharks are following the dead whale out.

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Apparently, the group of sharks had gathered around the sperm whale carcass to feed.

A diving team headed to see the sharks gathered around the carcass. That’s when Deep Blue brushed up against their boat. 

The divers swam gracefully with the shark and even touched it.

Ocean Ramsey, a marine biologist and shark activist was escorted by dolphins when she encountered the Deep Blue.

And this video shows the endearing moment she touched the shark. 

Talking about her experience she wrote on Instagram –

I waited quietly, patiently, observing as she swam up to the dead sperm whale carcass and then slowly to me passing close enough I gently put my hand out to maintain a small space so her girth could pass.

Ramsey surmised that Deep Blue was scratching her belly when she rubbed up on the boat.

She wanted people to realise that sharks are graceful creatures which she further illuminated upon on her Instagram post –

This might sound like a nightmare to some, but I’m hoping my videos showing the slow grace and beauty of this animal are enough to combat the fear instilled in us from the media demonizing of sharks.

Her encounter kinda shows that sharks have a bad reputation because of the negative and inaccurate way they are portrayed in mass media. Maybe it’s not the sharks that are the real killers, but humans who kill tens of thousands of ’em every year to make soup from their fins.