Penguins are, without a doubt, one of the most adorable species of animals that the earth is blessed with. And baby penguins are the just the cutest little things!
Here are some pictures of baby penguins that will make you wanna cuddle with one.
“I told you, let me do the talking!”

“Tu jaanta nahi hai mera baap kaun hai!”

“But mommy, why can’t we fly?”

“I think I need to go on a diet.”

“One day I will be this big.”

Best friends.

“Tera bhai sambhaal lega.”

“I dare you to call me smol one more time.”

“I think we have to go this way.”

“My mommy keeps me warm.”

“I wuv you.”

“Say whaaaaa?”
“They call me the fashionista.”

Hippity hoppity.

Doll eyes.

I walk a lonely road, the only one I’ve ever known.

“Ek main aur ek tu hai.”

“I can’t go any further. It’s too cold.”

“I got the moves like jagger.”

“Maybe this was a mistake.”
Watching Happy Feet tonight!
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