It’s December, which means Kashmir is smack bang in the middle of sub-zero temperatures. To offset the harsh winters being faced by scores of people, a group called ‘Who is Hussain’ is donating woollens and other heavy clothing in an innovative manner.
They’ve set up a Wall of Kindness so the needy can have easy access to sweaters, jackets and the like.
According to New Indian Express, ‘Who is Hussain’ is made up of city youth volunteers, and the wall has been set up behind a hotel on the banks of the River Jhelum in the city centre Lal Chowk.
The ‘Wall of Kindness’ first came around in Iran before spreading to other parts of the world.
It entails attaching cloth hangers outside public places like community centres. The hangers are then used to hang clothes and other useful items so they can be donated to the underprivileged.
Asghar Baba, Kashmir Chapter Head for ‘Who is Hussain’ told IndiaTimes,
“We have kept the clothes hanged on the wall. Those who need it take it and those who have extra clothing come and hang there. People are turning up in a huge number every day to donate warm clothes. Not only clothes, people have also started donating food items like milk, bread and dry fruits. We don’t get funds from government or any organisation. We have around thirty volunteers who all arrange and contribute the money from their own pockets.”
Currently, the organisation is active in 5 cities in India. Let’s hope it picks up popularity, so the needy can spend the biting winter in warmth and comfort.