This Is How Much Money You Save If You Give Up Smoking For 1 Year & Everything You Can Do With It

Rohit Bhattacharya

You don’t need me to tell you that smoking can kick your lungs’ asshole. We’ve all seen enough warnings at the start of movies to last a lifetime. What a lot of us don’t consider while picking up the next pack is just how much it’s all adding up to – pocket wise. The amount you spend on smokes builds up to a pretty penny over the days, weeks and years.

Suppose you smoke 10 cigarettes a day.

That means the amount you spend every day on cigarettes is – 

Now, instead of spending that money on smokes, you could get – 

Take a look at your savings in a week.

With that kinda dough, you could get – 

You actually start seeing some decent money when you look at your monthly savings. Say it with me – savings baby!

Cutting out the smokes for a month, you can get – 

And if you don’t smoke for a year, then damn, you’re in the money!

And there’s a whole lotta bling you can get for that kinda cash.

Save your money… and your lungs.

Designs by Vineet Kumar

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