Your hair can do so much for your personality. Weighed down hair can easily make you look tired and some volume can easily pep up your persona. Similarly, the length of your hair can also change the way people perceive you. Long hair is all about beauty and short hair, well it is for boys only.
If you’re one of those girls who have heard enough about short hair changing a girl’s outlook towards life, you need to hold your horses. Beauty standards are there for a reason, girls. Why try to break them? After all, your function in the society is to look pretty. Chopping off your beautiful locks will only make you lose your femininity and what if you never find a boy then?
Look at these two girls who cut their hair for a movie. See where it got them?

If you’re also one of those girls planning on making a big change to your hair and personality, here are 15 photos to help you get your sanity back:
1. Bob is the name of a boy. The haircut does not suit women.

2. Look at this girl with a stacked bob. There are no words.

3. Short hair is bringing out her beautiful features to the forefront but a woman should be keeping her face hidden, no?

4. A short bob with ombré is too bold. A girl isn’t supposed to be bold.

5. This one looks quite smart but still, some sharam a lady should have.

6. Look at this sleek bob with side swept bangs. These are the kind of women who boss over men.

7. Girls with short hair are the ones who think they can achieve anything in life. Does patriarchy really need that kind of outlook?

8. A young girl with short hair will never find a boy.

9. And a pixie cut will make sure all the boys stay away from you. No matter how badass it makes you look, you need a man after all.
Also Read: Hairstyles For Girls With Long Hair

10. No matter how hot you look in short hair, don’t cut it. You need to stick to beauty standards.

11. Short hair might make you look edgy and badass but that’s not how you want the world to look at you, is it?

12. Look at her pulling off short hair with Indian attire. Tauba tauba!

13. First cutting her hair and then colouring it. Far from beautiful. Or is it?

Still want to chop your hair off?
P. S. Here’s hoping you understood the sarcasm. Gone are the days when a girl’s femininity was validated by her long locks. So, don’t be scared to look bold, edgy or badass. Go ahead and rock that short hair, girl!
Also Read: Haircuts for Girls with Medium Hair Length