There is a reason why Bhutan is called the ‘happiest country’ in the world. The country has tirelessly worked to find the perfect balance between technology and the environment.
And this is how they have proved it yet again.
The citizens of Bhutan planted 108,000 trees – each sealed with a prayer – to welcome the birth of a son to King Khesar and Queen Pema, reported the Diplomat.
These trees were planted on March 6, a month after the couple announced the birth of their first child. Exactly 1,08,000 trees were planted because in Buddhism, 108 is considered a sacred number.

Out of this figure, 82,000 were planted by households, while the remaining 26,000 were planted by volunteers in special plantations in 14 districts. Among the 1,00,000 volunteers who carried out this were Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay, three of his ministers, and the leader of Opposition.

“In Buddhism, a tree is the provider and nourisher of all life forms, symbolising longevity, health, beauty and even compassion,” Tenzin Lekphell told The Diplomat. It wasn’t a coincidence that the Buddha attained enlightenment under a banyan tree, he added.
Following this celebration, the Ministry of Tourism of Bhutan established a 48,400-square-yard “Happiness Garden” in Thimphu, which is meant to invite foreign tourists to plant “happiness trees” with the objective of having trees representing every country in the world.
Well, Bhutan’s commitment to conservation is commendable which is evident from its constitution that states that the country shall always keep 60 percent of its total area under forest cover. Last year, it set a world record by planting 49,672 trees in one hour.
(Feature Image Source: His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck/ Facebook)