If you’ve read books by Khaled Hosseini and kept track of events in Afghanistan, you would be aware that the country is not famous for being chivalrous towards women. 

But times seem to be slowly changing in Afghanistan, along with its women. And to portray that, graffiti artist Shamsia Hassani has taken over the walls of Kabul to show that Afghan women are strong, graceful and creative, The Huffington Post reports

“I want to cover all bad memories of war from people’s minds with colors,” she said in an interview to Street Art Bio. For a land which has witnessed the horrors of Talibanisation, wars and terrible violence, the artist is trying to cover its wounds with art. 

“Usually, I am painting women with burqas in modernistic shapes on walls. I want to talk about their life, to find some way to remove them from darkness, to open their mind, to bring some positive changes, trying to remove all bad memories of war from everybody’s mind by covering sad city walls with happy colours,” states Hassani’s profile in Kabul Arts. 

Check out some of her work: 
